Toward Smart City - Progetto Erasmus+ | Open House Roma

Toward Smart City - Progetto Erasmus+

The Erasmus + Project “Toward Smart City. Sustainability and liveability of contemporarycity” is an international and multidisciplinary project that have been funded by European Community and has involved along two years (2015-2017) three european schools: Liceo Ginnasio Statale "Francesco Vivona" – Roma, Berzsenyi Dániel Gimnázium – Budapest, Lycee Polyvalent "Auguste Blanqui" - Saint Ouen .120 students from 15 to 18 age and three institutional partners (a museum, an archive and a no-profit association) around a specific topic with defined objectives and attended outputs.

Toward Smart City - Progetto Erasmus+


The city is a complex system in which nature, culture, economy and society need to find a new balance between their conflicting aspects in order to look at the future and build a safer and fairer world; technology doesn’t enter in this vision unless it is an useful medium for achieving a goal; the goal is to reach smartness through a winwin strategy that preserves environment, quality of life, beauty, equality and economic weel-being.

The project have been developed along a double binary: on one hand, the deepening of environmental, cultural, historical and sociological aspects of the city in which students and teachers live; on the other hand, the opportunity of travelling and knowing different

countries and cultures through international exchanges between the three partner schools.

So students can really feel part, maybe for the first time in their life - as they are very young - of the European Community, by experiencing living and studying in a foreign country and comparing teaching methodologies and notions in same fields and around same topics. 

Fai una donazione. Anche pochi euro ci aiuteranno a far crescere l’evento e promuovere una città aperta, condivisa, partecipata da tutti.